Journal Papers
1. Y. Zhang, R. Su, Y.C. Zhang, G. G. N. Sandamali." A multi-bus dispatching strategy based on boarding control ". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Dec, 2020.
2. Y. Zhang, Y.C. Zhang, R. Su. "Pedestrian-Safety-Aware Traffic Light Control Strategy for Urban Traffic Congestion Alleviation". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Nov. 2019.
3. Y. Zhang, K. Gao and Y.C. Zhang, R. Su. "Traffic light scheduling for pedestrian-vehicle mixed-flow networks". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. June 2018.
4. Y. Zhang, R. Su, Y.C. Zhang, B. Wang. "Dynamic multi-bus dispatching strategy with boarding and holding control for passenger delay alleviation and schedule reliability: a combined dispatching-operation system". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Under Review.
5. K. Gao, Y. Zhang, Y. C. Zhang, R. Su, P.N. Suganthan. "Meta-heuristics for Bi-objective urban traffic light scheduling problem". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. August 2018.
6. A. Sadollah, K. Gao, Y. C. Zhang, Y. Zhang, R. Su. "Management of traffic congestion in adaptive traffic signals using a novel classification-based approach". Engineering Optimization. August 2018.
7. Y. C. Zhang, R. Su, G.G.N. Sandamali, Y. Zhang, R. Su, C. Cassandras, L. Xie. "A Hierarchical Heuristic Approach for Solving Air Traffic Scheduling and Routing Problem with a Novel Air Traffic Model". IEEE transaction on Intelligent Transportation System. Sep. 2018.
8. G. G. N. Sandamali, R. Su, K. L. K. Sudheera, Y. C. Zhang, Y. Zhang. "Two-stage scalable air traffic flow management model under uncertainty". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Apr. 2020.
9. Y. C. Zhang, Q. Chen, Y. Zhang, R. Su. "A closed-loop traffic light scheduling strategy enabled by a learning-based parameter estimation". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Under Review.
1. Y. Zhang, "An adaptive pre-signal setting to provide bus priority under a coordinated traffic-responsive network". The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Rhodes, Greece, 2020.
2. Y. Zhang, R. Su, Y. C. Zhang. " A dynamic optimization model for bus schedule design to mitigate the passenger waiting time by dispatching the bus platoon ". 2020 American Control Conference, Denver, USA (ACC’20).2020.
3. Y. Zhang, Y. C. Zhang, R. Su. " Optimization of vehicle delay and driver's unhappiness at a signalized network: a multi-objective approach ". 15th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Edinburgh, Scotland (ICCA’19). 2019.
4. Y. Zhang, R. Su. "Pedestrian phase pattern investigation in a traffic light scheduling problem for signalized network". 2nd IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Copenhagen (CCTA’18). 2018.
5. Y. Zhang, R. Su, and Y.C. Zhang. "A macroscopic propagation model for bidirectional pedestrian flows on signalized crosswalks". 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’17). 2017.
6. Y. Zhang, R. Su, K. Gao, Y. C. Zhang. "Traffic Light Scheduling for Pedestrians and Vehicles". 1st IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Kohala Coast (CCTA’17). 2017.
7. Y. C. Zhang, Q. Chen, R. Su, Y. Zhang, C. Sun. "A hybrid traffic light control strategy based on branching ratio estimation and congestion identification". The 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice (CDC’19). 2019.
8. Y. C. Zhang, R. Su, C. Sun, Y. Zhang. "Modelling and traffic signal control of a heterogeneous traffic network with signalized and non-signalized intersections". 1st IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Kohala Coast (CCTA’17). 2017.
9. Y. C. Zhang, R. Su, G. G. N. Sandamali, Y. Zhang. "A Hierarchical Approach for Air Traffic Routing and Scheduling". 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’17). 2017.
10. K. Gao, Y.C. Zhang, Y. Zhang and R. Su. "A Meta-heuristic with Ensemble of Local Search Operators for Urban Traffic Light Optimization". The 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2017), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2017.